Thomas, Autism and What It Means To Him

I'm Different, Not Broken

My name is Thomas Goodall. I am almost 10 and I have Autism Spectrum Disorder. This affects my daily life in many ways. I cannot cope with crowds and large amounts of noise. It makes me panic. I don't like changes in routine, or changes in my surroundings. I am not someone who you can surprise because I never react the way people expect me to. This makes me very sad.

I also don't understand other people's emotions. You may be able to tell how someone is feeling by the look on their face, I cannot do that. I do not understand a lot of jokes that people tell me. Also my view of logic isn't like yours, although to me, my view of the world is obvious. This causes me a lot of frustration too as I cannot well describe my feelings to others.

I wanted my dad to make this site for me in case there are other little boys and girls out there who feel like I do. Perhaps they have been bullied at school, like I have been, for their differences. Maybe they don't have ways to cope like I do. I use Doctor Who to help me cope. The Doctor has helped me through the loss of my nanny and taught me its ok to be different. I hope this site can help other children and families like me.

Thomas and Cybermen